With the launch of Roast From Home, ECRE is interested in exploring solutions for storing small amounts of green coffee at home. This article speaks to coffee professionals to answer this question.

The effects of climate change and COVID-19 have combined to create a global shortage of green coffee, meaning prices will invariably rise. What does this mean for our industry?

Brazil has endured a freak frost season that has devastated the country’s coffee plantations. This article explores what happened and what it means for the future of the coffee industry.

Lucia Solis' (a former winemaker turned coffee fermentation specialist) clear eyed meditations on specialty coffee. It's deeply thought provoking stuff. A mind-expanding listen. Essential.

A catalogue of the most commonly cultivated coffee varieties, with info on yield, cup quality, nutritional requirements and lineage.

Our favourite variety map, tracing the lineage of the coffee varieties we know today over hundreds of years of evolution and breeding.

A guide to regions, harvest dates and varieties by country (bonus: coloured maps and helpful coffee grade decoding). Includes common regions as well as underdogs like Malawi, Jamaica and Yemen.

A hilarious parody by Tom Owen (of Sweet Maria’s), poking fun at buyers who spend a couple days a year in a coffee-producing country.

Don’t be calling Ethiopian varieties ‘heirloom’ anymore. Why? Read this. Essential for anybody wanting to learn the ins-and-outs of coffee’s most unique and inscrutable origin.

A four-year research collaboration that attempts to better understand post-harvest coffee processing on coffee quality across different geographic locations.

A thought-provoking podcast from Caravela, a coffee exporter that facilitated the entry of thousands of coffee farmers into the specialty coffee market.

Anyone who’s QCd their own roast has asked “what went wrong?” when a cup doesn’t taste as good as they’d like. Scott Rao chats about how you might find answers.

When it comes to coffee, nobody is as thoughtful or eloquent as James Hoffmann.

Get schooled at the geekiest coffee place online, as a coffee nerd and a scientist join forces Mythbusters-style to test prevailing brewing equipment and extraction theories.

A great, short podcast about the rediscovery of Coffea Stenophylla and the promise it holds for the future of coffee production on a warming planet.

A wild species of coffee from West Africa is resistant to warm temperatures and tastes like arabica! This article summarises the exciting finding.

Deep dive into the very real science of water activity: the energy status of water rather than its quantity in a system.

The wonderfully thoughtful and articulate Ever Meister's podcast series that examines ethical issues raised when marketing coffee, including use of farmer photos, cultural appropriation, and more.

A great blog by Sweet Maria’s, with links to research articles on “the global coffee market, coffee value, Fair Trade and commodity fetishism!”

The archives of this podcast are well worth exploring. It was hosted by Ever Meister and Joe Marrocco, two of coffee’s cleverest minds.

A podcast from the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) presenting stories, lectures, and debates.

It’s no secret we’re fans of Tom Owen from Sweet Maria’s, a one-of-a-kind coffee human with a one-of-a-kind podcast. Worth an archive trawl.

Conversations with industry experts for coffee enthusiasts, from home brewing to sustainability.

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