Unravelling the enigma of Papua New Guinean coffee (with Joeri Kalwij)


Papua New Guinea. It's literally the closest major coffee producing country to Australia, but its representation in both coffee shops and in the consciousness of coffee professionals is woefully lacking.

Papua New Guinea is both endlessly fascinating and (it is fair to say) deeply troubled. And the coffees, when they're on, are undisputedly up there with the finest in the world. There is so much to learn about PNG coffee and we're humbled that Joeri, who is among the most qualified people in the world to discuss it, will share his experiences and thoughts with us.

About The Speaker

Joeri Kalwij has worked in the coffee export sector in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea for over 12 years. Alongside coffee exports, Joeri has implemented various community development programs and coffee certification projects. He is currently the General Manager of New Guinea Highlands Coffee Exports.

WED 9 DEC 2020 5PM